About KHNA


Kerala Hindus of North America (KHNA) was formed in 2001 from the far sighted vision and motivation of Late Swamiji Sathyananda Saraswathi to unite all Hindus with the goal of preserving Sanatana Dharma. The organization provides a platform for all Kerala Hindus in North America to get together without any social divisions of caste and creed. From a humble start in 2001, KHNA has grown to a big family of several thousands of members.

The KHNA family welcomes you to our website and encourage you to be part of the various services we offer

“Sanatana” is a Sanskrit word that denotes that which is beginningless, endless and that which is eternal and everlasting. With its rich connotations, Dharma is not translatable to any other language. Its approximate meaning is “Natural Law,” or those principles of reality which are inherent in the very nature and design of the universe. Thus the term Sanatana Dharma can be roughly translated to “the natural, ancient and eternal way.”


Who we are!

Kerala Hindus of North America (KHNA) is a 20+ years old socio cultural nationwide 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States of America with tax exempt status. KHNA is globally involved in the preservation of Culture and Heritage and has been and still continuing to be active in helping those in need via multiple charities and educational programs.

As an evolving global organization, we recognize the diversity within our Kerala Hindu community. We try to promote and instill our culture and heritage through conventions, festivals and retreats here in the USA as well as in India. Additionally, KHNA is the oldest and largest platform bringing together Malayalee Hindu professionals and businesses to promote networking across the nation.

KHNA understands the value of education and financially support those students who require assistance in Kerala. For the past 10 years, KHNA has distributed scholarships to those students, as a result having distributed over 800 scholarships as of today which equates to approximately Rs 1.2 crores.

Our global conventions held once every two years, are expected to have over 2000 attendees and cater to a variety of audiences including and not limiting to families of all ages, students, budding entrepreneurs, businesses, professionals, dignitaries, celebrities and visitors from India, USA, Canada, Mexico and Europe.

Mission & Vision

Our Core Vision
and Mission

Our mission is to facilitate to continue the Hindu way of life, to create a sense of pride and commitment in service to humanity, to foster cooperation and unity among Kerala Hindus throughout North America, and to educate our youth about Hindu customs, traditions and heritage for better appreciation of their cultural roots and identity.

Manava Seva Madhava Seva – The Service of Humanity is the Service to the Lord.



  • Meet, discuss and understand the religious and spiritual needs of the Kerala Hindu community in North America.
  • Conduct annual or biennial religious conventions.
  • Encourage and help Kerala Hindu community of North America to form prayer groups and Hindu Organizations to further and strengthen the objectives of KHNA.
  • Provide the members an environment to practice Hindu religious activities.
  • Own and operate places of worship for the benefit of the people who believe in Hindu Dharma.
  • Teach and develop an understanding of the contributions of India and Hindu religion to the world.
  • Assist other non-profit charitable organizations engaged in the activities for the welfare of mankind irrespective of race, caste, community, religion and national origin.
  • Provide guidance and/or arrange religious classes for children and adults and to arrange for and conduct various educational programs, seminars, meetings, study tours, and such activities to educate the Kerala Hindus of North America about Hindu religion and their responsibility as Hindus in this multi-cultural society.
  • Work as a common platform for the Kerala Hindus of North America, to liaison with other organizations and governmental agencies to safeguard the rights of Kerala Hindus on matters that will affect their rights to practice Hindu religion.